Thursday, September 8, 2016

Nano Dimension Survey discloses potentials for 3D printing fast PCB prototypes

3D printed electronic devices company, Nano Dimension, has actually been in the information a whole lot lately, as they’ve submitted a number of patents for possibly disruptive innovations, including a license for the production of 3D printed secured conductors in PCB, as well as for the simultaneous sintering and also curing of 2 sorts of ink for 3D printed electronic devices, which can streamline the fast PCB manufacturing. Recently, the Israeli based business additionally released the findings of a study conducted by them which reveals the advantages 3D printing can offer firms for the fast PCB prototyping.
The “Printer Readiness Survey” asked nearly 300 electronic manufacturing business from worldwide a variety of concerns concerning their encounters with the manufacturing of fast PCB prototyping. The searchings for from the study showed that most of these business were utilizing exterior services to create the PCB prototypes, as well as were spending large quantities of cash and time right into the production of them.
As an example, out of the 300 firms, 16% reported having actually spent more than $100,000 a year on PCB prototypes, 17% invested between $50,000 and also $100,000, 44% invested in between $10,000 and $50,000, and just 23% invested less than $10,000 on the manufacturing of PCB prototypes each year.
The next concern in the study, “Do you make use of short-run, low-volume fast PCB prototyping solutions?”, resulted operating an overwhelming 93% claiming they did browsing fast PCB services at some time each year. Furthermore, 62% of the taking part companies reported that the fast PCBs they were prototyping possess high layer counts, implying that the fast PCBs are much more complexly created and also call for more time and money to make.
When asked whether they were fretted about the safety of their intellectual property when they utilized exterior business and also companies to prototype their circuit boards, 63% of the electronic manufacturing firms replied that they were. Other problems that occurred concerning sending out PCB prototypes prepares to external business were production time, high prices, and the possibility of hold-ups bringing the final product to market as a result of the time had to remodel PCB models.
In sum, just what the survey has actually shown is that there is room for enhancement both in terms of the time and also expense of fast PCB prototyping, which can possibly be brought about by the application of 3D PCB and also electronics.
Simon Fried, the Chief Business Officer at Nano Dimension, states, “The off-site fast PCB prototyping process is rife with downsides: it’s costly, it’s time consuming, and it places copyright in jeopardy. The marketplace has seen 3D printers fast prototype various other kinds of products and also the results of our study mirror a market that awaits 3D printing to now usher in a new age of fast PCB prototyping. The time is now for developers to publish their own top quality multilayer PCB prototypes in house-cheaply as well as quickly.”
This company was founded in 2012 as well as has actually stayed at the fore of 3D printed electronic devices, incorporating 3D inkjet, 3D software as well as nanomaterials in its cutting-edge products.

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