Thursday, July 28, 2016

Who is a better PCB designer?

A lot of feedbacks can be received regarding the design of the PCB. The circuit engineers and the PCB engineers comment very frequently regarding the frustration that is involved in working of both the members in consultation with each other. A very common question or a feeling that arises in most of the engineers is that whether electrical engineers are better PC board designers.
The subject that mainly deals with the designing of PC boards is arts. People feel that it is a matter of engineering but the main subject that is involved is Arts. Designing also requires the knowledge of science. The main area of science that is used is the manufacturing as well as assembling of the bare boards as well as the basic knowledge of mechanics. Electronics is not much required for the designing purpose. A person who has circuit theory knowledge cannot be a good board designer. Rather a person having the knowledge of pad to-hole ratio, value of copper balance, the impact of copper placement on assembling and repairing, as well as the knowledge of thermal transfer is considered to be a better board designer. Analytical ability is another major tool that is required for the proper designing of the boards. For a proper performance impact the standard that was followed in the past had very low frequency and the traces of boards used to be very long than the actual distribution length. But the standard that is followed today can contain mistake on the board and it is very likely that the working of the circuit will not be hampered. In many cases this assumption failed and in such cases knowledge of electronics is required.
The board designing methods in between the year 1950 and the late 1980 used the law of physics that implements the bending laws and this caused a lot of disaster in the designing structure. Many designers of that period till today struggle a lot in finding out the possible ways without taking any help from the engineers. The PC board designers of that period got converted to mechanical designers, artists or technicians and they have mastered the art of artwork tapping and also learned to read a schematic diagram. The main problem that is being faced in this period of time is that the electrical engineer counterparts and the board designers do not take each other’s help and completely ignore each other’s ideas and way of working.

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